Herbalife Nutrition survey reveals interesting insights on balanced nutrition

Bangalore: Herbalife Nutrition (NYSE: HLF), a global nutrition company, undertook a survey onbalanced nutrition in 12 markets across Asia Pacific and surveyed more than 6,000 consumers to understand eating habits, exercise and lifestyle habits among them. The survey aimed at providing deeper insights into the motivation for adopting balanced nutrition and an active lifestyle and the challenges they face in doing so. According to Herbalife, balanced nutrition is a holistic concept that recommends 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 30% fats in your daily intake, along with proper hydration and regular physical activity to enable the adequate supply of nutrients to support core body functions.

Ajay Khanna, Vice President and Country Head – Herbalife International India Pvt. Ltd,said, “As a global nutrition company, Herbalife Nutrition is committed to helping consumers adopt balanced nutrition habits, so that they can have a long-term positive impact on their lives. A healthy active lifestyle is a way to proactively combat the rising trend of public health issues such as obesity, diabetes and other lifestyle related illnesses. We have specially conducted the balanced nutrition survey for Asia Pacific consumers to raise awareness about the importance of balanced nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices.

The survey covered a cross section of population and the included millennials, non-millenials, men and women, and working and non-working population. Through this survey, Herbalife seeks to inspire consumers to adopt a healthier lifestyle and reinforce its impact on long-term health and wellbeing. According to survey findings, 71 percent of consumers are eating less than half of the recommended serving of fruits and vegetables, more than half do not drink enough water, and more than half do not get enough exercise.
