24.1 C
Bhubaneswar, India
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Tags Ukraine

Tag: Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine War: Impact and Repercussions

Bhubaneswar: It has been 300 days since the Ukraine war has begun. Indirectly this can be called the third world war. Because in this...

Tormented Ukraine, Wretched Srilanka, Anarchist Pakistan

Bhubaneswar: Our immediate neighbours, Srilanka and Pakistan are burning with violence and anarchy. There are various reasons for this erratic situation in both countries....

Odisha Economic Survey: Russia-Ukraine War Will Hit Odisha Most In...

Bhubaneswar: The Economic Survey has unfolded the threatening facts for the people of Odisha, as the rate of inflation in certain essential items like...

Indian Medical Students in Ukraine: Review

Bhubaneswar: During February - March 2014, when Russia forcibly took over a part of the Crimea Peninsula from Ukraine, Indians had hardly paid any...

Mata Amritanandamayi Math volunteers tirelessly serving refugees from Ukraine

NEW DELHI : Since the war started between Russia and Ukraine, volunteers with the Mata Amritanandamayi Math in Poland, Hungary, and Romania have been...
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